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A person is made right with God by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This message is called the gospel because it is the good news that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty of sin for all people, and that all who repent of sin and turn to Jesus for forgiveness will be forgiven and made right with God.
Salvation means that a person is forgiven of sin by faith in Jesus Christ. A person who has accepted salvation is freed from the guilt and punishment of sin. He has been brought into a relationship with God as his child and will continue to follow Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit until he is taken home to heaven.

Several Bible verses give an outline of the basic understanding of salvation:
 Ephesians 2:8-9

Grace is the word that describes God’s gift of salvation. Salvation is free to us because Jesus paid for it with his life. We do not deserve salvation nor could we ever do anything to earn it. Salvation is a gift that is received by faith through God’s grace in Christ’s payment for our sins.

Romans 3:23, 6:23

Every person is a sinner and has sinned in thought, word and action. Our status as a sinner separates us from God because he is sinless, perfect, and holy. Our greatest need is for a Savior who will take away the guilt of our sin and make us right with God.

Romans 5:8 

Jesus Christ is our Savior. God showed his great love for us by sending his Son, Jesus, to earth to die on a cross. Jesus took the punishment for our sins on himself, and by bearing our punishment and dying our death, Jesus is our Savior.

Acts 3:19; Luke 9:23; Romans 10:9-13

Believing in Jesus begins with confessing him as Lord by calling on him for salvation. To believe in Jesus is to repent of sin, turn to him for forgiveness, deny self, and follow Christ.  By God’s grace, believers are forgiven and given new life.

John 3:16

The one who believes in Jesus will not die the eternal death of separation from God but will be granted eternal life. Eternal life begins the moment a person trusts Jesus. It is a life of love and fellowship with Jesus on earth and forever with him in heaven.

If you would like to respond to God’s offer of
forgiveness and salvation, please call out to him.
Pastor Brad would be happy to help you
understand this decision and commitment.
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